Company Organization

Company Organization

The Company has an interdisciplinary and multi-service organisation...

tailored on the needs of the different Clients. The organization chart shows, in a simplified manner, the company organization.

As far as the domestic market is concerned, a specific departments deal with both promotion/commercial aspects and management of the contracts.

The same applies to the international market which is followed by a specific department. Because of the large geographical coverage, the activities have been distributed in six areas (Europe, Africa, America, Caucasus, Middle East and Indian Sub-continent), each one with an Area Manager responsible for both promotion/commercial activities and for the related management. Each area may have company branches, subsidiaries and project offices.

The engineering department is split into different areas of specialisation and deals with production activities. Every time a new project starts, experts from the engineering department are involved to form a multidisciplinary team according to their specialisations.

The group of the Administration and Finance, General Services and Auxiliary Services provide direct support to the Directors, Promotion/Commercial Departments as well as to the Engineering Department.